Timer Role Description and Responsibilities
Why is the Timer Role Important?
Because the most confident presentations execute in a timely manner with precision.
Whether you work in corporate, nonprofit, entertainment or government, you are often called upon to either sell or defend your ideas. Doing so in a brief, informative and clear-cut manner, under pressure, requires constant practice. That is why during Toastmasters meetings, a safe space that lets you practice your presentation skills, being aware of time becomes extremely important.
Benefits of Timing Each Section of the Program
All parts of each Toastmasters program is timed. They include speeches, evaluations, Table Topics and reports. Such short time allotments force people to focus on the message they must convey, developing more concise delivery. They also allow more people to participate in the meeting and respect each other's time.
Breakdown of Meeting Times
Manual Speeches: usually 5 - 7 min
Advanced Speeches: 10 - 15 min
Table Topics: 1 - 1.5 min
Evaluations: 2 - 3 min
General Evaluation: 3 min
Toastmasters Intro and Out-tro: 5 min
** Note: timing may be different for each club. Please check with your club officers or sponsors for specific times. **
The Timer's Role and Responsibilities
General: the Timer is keeps count of time during each part of the Toastmasters meeting.
1) Prior to the Meeting
- Obtain from the Sergeant at Arms the Timer Tower and worksheet II.
- After the Toastmaster asks you to stand up and explain your role, please use the following sentences as an example to explain your role and responsibilities to members and guests.
- It helps to demonstrate with your club's signal device.
"Prepared Speeches
5 to 7 minutes (+ or – 30 seconds)
At 5 minutes, I will show: The Green Light
At 6 minutes I will show: The Yellow Light
At 7 minutes I will show: The Red Card Light until the speaker is finished
2 to 3 minutes (+ or – 30 seconds)
At 2 minutes, I will show: The Green Light
At 2 ½ minutes I will show: The Yellow Light
At 3 minutes I will show: The Red Light until the speaker is finished."
"Table Topics
1 to 2 minutes (Minimum 1 minute, maximum 2 + 30 seconds)
At 1 minute, I will show: The Green Light
At 1 ½ minutes I will show: The Yellow Light
At 2 minutes I will show: The Red Light until the speaker is finished."
"When called upon by the Toastmaster, Table Topics Master and General Evaluator stand by your chair and give your report."
III. After the Meeting
- Give your completed report to the Secretary for her to write her minutes with.
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